On 29th June, The Anglican Centre launched an Urgent Appeal for funds to help the Centre fulfil its mission as we begin to emerge from the extraordinary difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of the Appeal is 200,000 Euros, to give the Centre some stability over the next two years, during which time we expect visitor numbers to rebound whilst we continue to expand our global Friends network and seek out further sources of funding from around the world.


We are delighted that in just under two months, we have raised over 100,000 Euros, with donations already in from the UK, the US, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Italy.  The Appeal will continue until Easter 2022, and we hope to exceed our total goal, engaging new friends and other provinces of the Anglican Communion.


If you have yet to make a donation, you can find further details HERE, together with video messages from our Chair of Governors, Bishop Michael Burrows, and the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, Bishop Michael Curry.


Please spread the word, and help us secure the future of the Centre’s essential work.