Christmas is around the corner. Much of it brings emotional baggage and raises our expectations that our lives will be transformed. But past Christmases show that the spirit of joy and peace we expect from the season can be at times short-lived and superficial.

That is the danger if Christmas becomes merely a cultural celebration that adds beauty to the winter holidays for some and summer holidays for others. Then there are some who even want to get rid of the word “Christmas”. There is therefore an urgency to return to the true Christmas story – of how God’s love is revealed through the birth of His only son, Jesus Christ, who brings light to the world and peace amongst men and women of goodwill. 

A change in the way we live and act at this very time in human history is imperative, for many of this generation have lost trust in the way our world is led. People lament as they see the suffering endured by brothers and sisters across the world. Many today find themselves in utter confusion: they look around and see a long-lasting pandemic, political and social upheavals, discriminative decisions on the part of some rich and powerful governments, injustice as regards the availability of vaccines to the most vulnerable, the negative impact of global warming, dehumanizing assaults on those who do not share our beliefs and opinions, a shame and blame atmosphere in the air, poverty and lack of hospitality to the displaced.

There is a certainly desperate need for a Saviour. It is important that we realize that we cannot bring by ourselves this profound joy and a lasting hope that we all, without exception are dreaming for.

During the Advent season, we have been reminded of the promises of God to his beloved people. Christmas brings into realisation these promises made. He has come in the midst of our life’s journey and challenges so that we may at all times be filled with the hope that things will change.

As we live with these distressing realities mentioned above, the world needs to renew itself, to be liberated from darkness and chaos. The Scriptures we meditate upon during the seasons of Advent and Christmas should direct our thoughts of the need for us to trust in God. Many of us lead our lives thinking about God’s will for us and tend to push aside God’s plan for Salvation.

The birth of Christ reveals that God is the merciful Saviour, the one who has helped his people many times before and who promises that he will continue to do so and that through Jesus Christ his promises are fulfilled.

As we will find it difficult this year, as last, to celebrate Christmas in ways we once took for granted, let us find opportunities in our ordinary lives to touch the extraordinary intervention of God’s presence in the world.  This will liberate us from the nostalgia of the past to contemplate the essential parts of the Christmas story, that allows us to see the love of God, that nurtures in us a confident heart that peace and justice will thrive together in the world.

Christmas is good news for all peoples. This needs to be shared and to be expressed in words and actions. The word became flesh and lived among us. It is now our turn to live the Good News and shout our joy as we reach out to the other in love.


May this Christmas be a most blessed one for all of us.


To read the Advent 2021 edition of Centro, please press here