We pray together At the heart of the Anglican Centre in Rome is the Chapel of St Augustine of Canterbury. Everyday, morning and evening prayer are said here, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Every Tuesday, at 12:45 the Eucharist is celebrated. Daily we pray for the welfare of the city in which we have been called by God, giving thanks to Him for our common heritage, and celebrating our vocation of prayer, hospitality, education and unity. The Tuesday Eucharist has a core community, drawn from the two Anglican / Episcopal churches in Rome and our friends from other denominations. We are also joined, each week, by pilgrims and tourists from around the world. This is a wonderful occasion allowing us to meet and pray with a huge variety of people. The services follow the liturgical principles of the Anglican Communion and we are accountable to the Archbishop of Canterbury for our rites. Our vision is to have an accessible chapel for the whole range of the Communion. For this reason our liturgies are simple, relatively short and great care is taken with the preaching as well as a diversity of presidents, including women. The Lord’s Prayer is usually offered as an opportunity to use one’s mother tongue. Attendees are invited to receive a blessing at the time of the administration of communion if they prefer. Every Eucharist is followed by lunch in the salone: we have gathered around the Lord's Table, and then we gather around a common table of friendship. This is just part of the important ministry of hospitality which the Centre undertakes in Rome. By welcoming people of other denominations socially and inviting their participation in Anglican worship, bonds of affection are developed.