Prayer for Christian unity During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the Anglican Centre prays, each day, for the leader of one of the churches, or bodies of churches, with whom we are in dialogue. Please join us on Sunday 17th January for a Vigil of Prayer. Please click here for the livestream. The work of the Anglican Centre in Rome is remembered in the Anglican Communion's Cycle of Prayer on the Sunday following the Feast of St Augustine of Canterbury. In 2021 this will fall on Wednesday 25 May. We invite you to join us that day in praying for the Anglican Centre and for Christian unity. A Prayer for the Anglican Centre in Rome Almighty and everliving God, you have called us in the body of your son Jesus Christ to continue his work of reconciliation. In gratitude we celebrate the presence of the Anglican Centre in Rome and give thanks for its reconciling witness to Christian unity. As we remember the gift of hope that so inspired its creation, we pray that this same hope may strengthen us in our witness to justice and peace in the world, and encourage us in our commitment to one body, one faith, and one Lord, even Jesus Christ, your risen and glorified Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.