When we read or hear the news from the media, what is it that strikes us? By and large, the chaotic situation in which we find ourselves: a long-lasting pandemic, political and social upheavals, the negative impact of global warming, crimes, corruption, sexual abuse of children are the issues that hit the headlines.

This is the world to which the Lord Christ came. And one, could be perplexed as we are still struggling to have a harmonious, orderly and unifying power in our midst. 

It is true that the world as created by God is an abode of love and we run the risk of making an abuse of the freedom that comes with it.

The living presence of our Lord Jesus Christ is already here but the power of his mercy and love will manifest itself at the time of judgement. We shall be examined by the way we have used our freedom. Those who will stand before the Lord are the ones who will be freed. Those who will be defeated are the ones who have chosen to take refuge in their own selves.

So, the Advent season, through the words of Christ, is urging us to be alert and vigilant.

This instruction may cause us some embarrassment as certain ideologies at the psychological and political level have trivialized any form of warning. But one has to realize, that one of the greatest marks of love that Jesus Christ has for us is that He does not want to please us: he offers us salvation.

The chosen texts from the Scriptures for the Advent season will certainly open our eyes to see the world as it is and will guide us to live in it as Christians should. Our mission is to bear witness to Christ’s love and in consequence, the world will learn how to encounter Jesus and how to love and care for God’s creation.

The call to watch and pray therefore, comes as a support as we seek not to conform to the world that can easily seduce us.  The Christian faith has something special about it. God informs us that we are men and women created, desired and loved by Him. We, therefore, have a great responsibility to be courageous enough not to conform to the world but to act in compliance with the will of Christ.

We are thus called to let our faith in Christ be a source of inspiration and strength to others.