The Chairperson, the Rt. Revd. Michael Burrows , and members of the Board of Governors are delighted to announce the appointment of the Revd. Jim Linthicum as part time associate priest and member of our staff in Rome.

While hailing originally from the United States, Jim is about to retire from a long and fruitful ministry in health care chaplaincy in Britain, most recently at Great Ormond St. Children’s hospital in London. He has also been involved in parochial liturgical life in several contexts in the City.


Jim has a rich experience of working as part of an ecumenical team and has a long standing love of the city, culture and church life in Rome.

He will be joining us in late August and his ministry will serve to support the Director, and the wider tasks of hospitality, study, ecumenical networking and daily prayer for which the Anglican Centre is well known.


Reactions over the appointment: -


Revd Jim Linthicum: “I feel blessed and privileged to be able to take up this post at the Anglican Centre in Rome. After nearly 30 years of healthcare chaplaincy (as well as a variety of experiences in the parish) I have come to appreciate the importance of working together in the service of God’s Kingdom in a way that touches humanity’s greatest needs. A post like this continues that opportunity of working constructively in mutual sharing, learning from one another and compassion.”


Archbishop Ian Ernest, Director: “Revd. Linthicum will surely as an experienced pastor enrich the life of the Anglican Centre as he will bring some new potentials and an added support to enable this unique Ecumenical Institution of the Anglican Communion to continue to exercise its calling as a place which cherishes diversity while yearning for Unity.”