BE ATTENTIVE TO UNITY, POPE FRANCIS TELLS BISHOPS’ GATHERING Pope Francis has encouraged bishops linked to the Focolare movement to help reconcile people and bring them together in a way that is “always open, never exclusive”. The Pope spoke to the bishops on Saturday as part of their gathering organized by the Roman Catholic Focolare movement at its centre near the papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo. The 170 bishops from 40 countries who were present discussed the theme Dare to be one. The courage of unit y in a divided world. Among the group were Archbishop Ian Ernest, Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome, representing the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Most Revd Richard Clarke, who retired last year as Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland The Focolare Movement was founded by Chaira Lubish during the Second World War and approved by the Roman Catholic Church in 1962. Its aim is to be at the service of unity in the Church and in the world. There is a connection between this work and the service of the bishops, Pope Francis told the gathering. “We bishops are at the service of the people of God, so that it may be built up in the unity of faith, hope and charity”. You can read Pope Francis’ speech here