An Ecumenical Prayer which was held at the Roman Catholic Church of Santa Maria in Campetelli, Rome on the occasion of Europe Day 2023 on the 9th of May. The theme was “Together for Europe”, “Developing as culture of dialogue to conquer Peace.” Before the Ecumenical Liturgy, Ambassador Pasquale Ferrara talked on “ Peace is possible” .  Two victims of war and violence shared their testimonies of the experience they had as a woman and as a child soldier.


During the liturgy, church leaders from other Christian denominations said prayers for the prevalence of Peace and justice in the world.

Prayer for Peace


By Archbishop Ian Ernest


The Anglican Centre in Rome.




Heavenly Father, we come to you this evening to implore your sanctifying and liberating presence as our broken world is torn by violence, war, greed, corruption and



We pray for the peace that only you can give and which is life giving and love bearing. We acknowledge that your Son, Jesus Christ the Risen Lord offers us a peace that is purposeful and we are so grateful to you as this fills our hearts and souls with hope.


It is our duty O Lord, to turn to you this evening as we need the courage to transform the world we live in, into one where people of all nations are not affected by wars, nor mistreated by the abuse of power which undermines human dignity.


We remember those who cannot stand for themselves, more specially, the vulnerable, the women, the elderly the children, those with physical disabilities and those who lose their peace of mind.


Give us the courage, to defeat the indifference of the world and to open our eyes and ears so that we may understand the suffering of those who are yet to be liberated from the grips of the wicked.


Therefore, we  pray for those who are victims of war, domestic violence and discrimination and for those whose lives will never be the same again because of the scars and wounds that this unjust and broken world brings about.


Father, we call on you to strengthen our longing for peace and our commitment to seek no other peace but the Peace of Christ so that we be instruments of the Peace that can heal and restore our world into a place which gives glory to you, through Jesus Christ we pray.
