Concept Note

Exploring how a Synodal Church can be a listening Church Webinar 22 February 2022

The Synodal process set up by His Holiness Pope Francis represents for many what they have been waiting for – bringing the voices of the whole People of God into the life and work of the Synod of Bishops. It can bdescribed as a courageous and even a radical new way of working.

Synodality call us to be with each other and to be together. The process is dynamic, spreading around the world and taking place in the church at local, regional and universal levels. This brings the possibility of a real momentum and a new connection between the Synod and local churches.

A Synodal Church claims to be a “listening Church” which is in constant dialogue with the world: recognizing and requiring collegiality and the diversity of gifts.

This Webinar aims at exploring how Synodality manifests itself practically in the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church. It will seek to honour the commitment of Pope Francis to listen and to learn from each other. Our speakers are all women in positions of leadership and influence in our respective churches and we look forward to hearing their particular perspective on the issue that in conversation we may learn and receive from each other.

The webinar recording is avaiable to view here