During the past two weeks HG Archbishop Ian Ernest, accompanied by his spouse Kamla, made his first official visit to the United States as Director of the Anglican Centre.

It was the Archbishop's first official mission abroad since the Covid-19 pandemic. This visit allowed to bring the profile of the Centre to a wider audience, describing its vocation and its mission. The very presence and words of the Director promoted the Centre's vocation, especially during the Convention of the Diocese of Dallas and during visits to parishes. These meetings have stimulated interest in visiting Rome and collaborating with the Centre on new ecumenical endeavours.

The Director went afterward to the Virginia Theological Seminary where he was invited by the Center of Studies for Anglican Communion. He was received warmly by the Faculty and the student body and was given the opportunity to introduce the vocation of the ACR thanks to promotional video of the Centre. This great moment of communion aroused the desire in some students to visit the Centre or even do an internship here.

The Director's visit to the US ended with the important meeting of the Board of Governors in Nashville. This meeting made it possible to speak exclusively of the role of the responsibility of the Centre and to deepen its vocation by numerous interventions which acknowledged the Centre's special role within the Anglican Communion especially in supporting relations between Catholics and Anglicans. This gathering consisted in a dinner, an ecumenical service and visits to parishes made the action of the Centre more visible. What has emerged from this mission journey is the fact that today the Centre is not only based in Rome but is inscribed in the hearts of many members of the Anglican Communion worldwide, as well as many Catholic's brothers and sisters.

It appears that the Centre is more than ever growing to be a speaking, welcoming, active institution at the service of the whole Anglican Communion.